I want to create a nice and informative timeline for my journals.
These are the top 5 noted timelines programs I researched. .
My favorite is Time Line Knight Lab
On TimelineKnightslab.com you can use your JSON skills to enhance your timeline.
Time Glider https://timeglider.com/signup is a top runner up aimed for high-school administrators and class.
Amazingly, at least at this writing, free time line.com was a simple clean plain working timeline generator: http://www.free-timeline.com/
Excellent for planning timelines. Though I am not certain of their fine print, because well there is not. Tread with care .Meograph is an excellent in-time, synchronized data collection timeline https://secure.meograph.com/newuser
The big hiss goes to http://www.capzles.com/#/terms-of-service/
The terms of service does not have state nor country filled in, among other finer details, which were blank on the contracts. Interesting...
Do they plan to fill them out later?
From a intellectual property ( IP ) security view point. Capzles really sucks.